We offer online tutoring for students who are unable to make it to our Summerville tutoring center.
Online Tutoring
Your child can get the benefits of ETS tutoring without having to leave the comfort of home—a great solution if you live a distance from our tutoring center or have a schedule that precludes you from being able to get here! Our online tutors are the same dedicated tutors you’ll find at our center, and they are available for your child on a schedule that fits your needs. You can also “mix it up” by tutoring one day per week in the center with your tutor and meeting them a second day online. We can work out an individual plan that works best for you and your family.
How online tutoring works…Every online tutoring session is live through the computer. Your child and his/her tutor work together in real time, talking to each other throughout the session. We use a platform that allows screen sharing so documents, worksheets, web pages, etc can be seen by both the tutor and student. Both parties are also able to edit and annotate on the screen so all work is monitored. This allows your child to ask questions and get instant feedback and encouragement.

Set up is easy too. All you need is a PC with Windows and high-speed internet connection.
Our online tutoring allows for easy scheduling with no drive time with the same one-on-one attention that you love about ETS tutoring.