Parent Counseling

Home/Parent Counseling

Q: Does my child have anxiety?

A: As many as 1 in 8 children from ages 9 to 17 have anxiety. That's about 13 percent! Here are some of the signs you should be looking for... excessive worrying about many things (school, safety, health, future) physical symptoms (headaches, stomachaches, tiredness) repetitive actions that reduce anxiety preoccupying thoughts intense fears fear of [...]

Q: Does my child have anxiety?2020-06-21T17:23:32+00:00

Tips for Getting Homework Done

Do you dread homework time in your house? You are not alone! Here are some tips to encourage better work habits for your child and reduce frustration in your home... Select a specified area for homework. Reduce distractions - no TV, no cell phones, etc. Get a container from the Dollar Store and fill it [...]

Tips for Getting Homework Done2020-06-21T17:23:32+00:00

What is the difference between bribing and rewarding my child?

Bribing and rewarding are similar in that your child is getting something for doing what you want him to do. However, bribery can include interactions in which parents promise all types of tempting rewards or activities in exchange for behaving appropriately, usually out of desperation during times of stress. It often happens quickly, when all [...]

What is the difference between bribing and rewarding my child?2021-06-02T14:34:57+00:00

How can you tell the difference between Stress and Anxiety?

A: Stress is a normal response to a challenge or life change. Our body often goes into some level of "flight or fight" mode as we react. We may experience sweaty palms or a fast beating heart. We can also feel nervous, angry, or frustrated. But sometimes stress is a positive thing. Think about taking [...]

How can you tell the difference between Stress and Anxiety?2020-06-21T17:23:34+00:00

Our mornings are very hectic at our house. Any suggestions?

A: As part of your evening routine, have your children pack their book bags each evening with everything they will need--homework, books, lunch money--so they are ready to go in the morning to avoid last minute searches and chaos. Post a checklist by the door of everything to be included in their book bags. Also, [...]

Our mornings are very hectic at our house. Any suggestions?2020-06-21T17:23:35+00:00

Where should my child study or do his homework?

A: That is a great question with no straight answer unfortunately. These are the things you need to consider...does your child need total quiet, or does he need some stimuli? If silence works best, get earplugs, and find a place to study with minimum distractions--away from siblings, TV, and other noise. If he does better [...]

Where should my child study or do his homework?2020-06-21T17:23:35+00:00

How can I get my high school senior to be more motivated about school?

A: What are your senior's goals and plans for after high school? Have him or her talk with the school guidance counselor to develop a goal and discuss the steps needed to reach that goal-whether attending college and needing certain grades and SAT/ACT scores, entering the military and needing certain skills for his/her desired career [...]

How can I get my high school senior to be more motivated about school?2020-06-21T17:23:36+00:00

Homework as soon as my kid gets home, or take a break?

A: It totally depends on each individual child. A lot of kids need to have some time to play and burn off some excess energy at the end of a long school day before they are ready to sit and focus again. In fact, research does support that physical exercise can help with attention. On [...]

Homework as soon as my kid gets home, or take a break?2021-06-02T15:14:53+00:00