How is the new SAT different from the old SAT?
A: There are a lot of changes, and the new SAT actually looks more like an ACT now. There are still three core sections (Reading, Math, and Writing/Language), although the Essay is now optional. The […]
News you can use…..
If your child has a documented learning disability, your costs for professional tutoring may be tax deductible! Ask your accountant for more information.
Who Are School Psychologists and What Do They Do?
In honor of School Psychology Awareness Week, I am answering the questions:
Who are school psychologists? School psychologists are educators that support students’ ability to learn and teachers’ ability to teach. They apply expertise in mental […]
Help for remembering which books to bring home from school
One strategy to try is to have him puts books that need to go home on a particular shelf throughout the day in his locker. Then at the end of the day, he empties that […]
Our mornings are very hectic at our house. Any suggestions?
A: As part of your evening routine, have your children pack their book bags each evening with everything they will need–homework, books, lunch money–so they are ready to go in the morning to avoid last […]
Is it helpful for students to study together?
A: If they are really studying and not socializing….yes! Research suggests that we remember 90% of what we teach someone else. Therefore, study partners should take turns teaching the material to each other. This method […]