A: There is a wide variety of evaluation components. We can do any of these components, or all of them for a comprehensive battery. Evaluations may include….
* Classroom observations–ever wonder how your child behaves in class? Is he focused? Does he participate?
* IQ testing–what is your child’s ability level?
* Cognitive testing–How does your child learn and think? How are his short-term and long-term memory? How does he process visual information and auditory information?
* Reading skills–Does your child struggle with decoding words? Can he decode but not comprehend what he reads? How is his fluency?
* Math skills–what are his strengths and weaknesses? Is he on grade-level?
* Writing skills–How are his spelling skills? How are his written expression skills?
* Rating scales (teacher, parent, and/or self-reports)–Does your child struggle with emotional issues? Does he have ADHD? How are his social and adaptive skills?

If you have questions, call Dr. Bell for a consultation (843) 810-9202