We offer high-quality individual test preparation for the SAT and ACT college entrance exams.
We are currently not offering SAT or ACT test prep tutoring.
SAT and ACT Test Preparation Tutoring
With the competition increasing to be admitted into your top-choice college or university, the stakes are high for earning top SAT and ACT test scores. We offer individual test preparation for both the SAT and ACT college entrance exams. During our one-on-one test prep tutoring, each lesson is individualized to the student’s unique needs. High school students will learn subject content and test-taking strategies. Students will have an opportunity to practice these concepts through assignments and practice tests. In addition to test taking strategies and content, students will learn strategies for test anxiety and pacing. Your student will gain confidence to score his or her personal best on test day.

Time is spent exactly where the student needs it the most, in full discussion with his/her tutor. Each practice test question is reviewed for content and strategy as needed. This gives the students ample opportunity to ask their questions and get instruction as they need it. Practice tests are completed at home and reviewed in depth during the individual sessions.
Set up a consultation to get started.
When should your child take the SAT or ACT? Click here